We finished Parts of Speech this week! We will keep at this whole Grammar business throughout the year and trust me, if your son puts the time in, you will see improvements. Next week, there will be a Short Story Unit test on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure your son organizes his notes and studies over the weekend. How should he study? Well, I am glad you asked. He can go read over the "How to Study for the Short Story Unit Test" on PowerSchool Learning, and make some quizlets for literary terms and vocabulary words using Quizlet.com. We will also use Monday's class to prepare for this test. I will be discussion various study strategies with them.
Next week, we will being Of Mice and Men, so please make sure your son has a copy of this by Thursday 11/21
We have been listening to Death of a Saleman all week. There are so many great themes in this play, but it is sometimes a tough one to read because it is a bit dated in areas and also the main character, Willy Loman, has flashbacks and talks to himself often. I am happy to report, though, that yours sons are all rising to this challenge and if you ask them about the play, I think they will have some interesting things to say about topics such as how parents can disappoint their children, how children can disappoint their parents, what it takes to be successful, etc. I love how honest they all are when it comes to these types of topics!
It was so nice to meet so many of you last night. I know most of you are concerned with how your son can do better in English so here is the list I gave you from Back to School Night:
- Read the texts we are reading and have conversations about them
- Make flashcards and quiz him on vocabulary words and grammar
- NHS tutoring after school on Tuesdays for extra help
- During Enrichment, he can go to The Writing Lab
- Encourage your son to see me during Homeroom or Enrichment-- I am in 302
And one more: Encourage and remind your son to take better notes in class! This is an area that many of them need to get better about.