During your son's time at CBA, he will be asked to read a few books independently. We call this Outside Reading. Your son's first Outside Reading book choice is Revolver by Marcus Segdwick. My freshmen last year really enjoyed this book. There is a link to the book on Powerschool Learning. You can buy the book, get it from the library, or get an digital version. They do not have to bring this book to class. The test for this book choice will be at the end of October, so they have plenty of time to read it. But, you might want to make sure they do not leave this until the last minute!
We have been working on Grammar this week -- their favorite thing! Ha ha. But, they have been very good sports about it. In fact, I told them that I lose sleep over the fact that I wish they would put in 10-15 more minutes to study grammar and I think they didn't want me to lose sleep, so they must have studied because their quiz grades were much better than I expected.
I was a little disappointed by how many of my Sophomores did not have Notecards today in class. Please help your son get a pack of Notecards from the Dollar Store, AC Moore, Target, Rite Aid, etc. It was listed under "Materials needed for class" and I showed you all what they look like at Back To School Night-- NOT index cards, but blank notecards with envelopes! I really hate making things like this be about getting or losing points (it should not have to do with their grade at all), but I may have to resort to that in order to encourage them to be better prepared for class.
Thank you to all of you that have helped your son find someone who immigrated to the U.S to interview for their first essay assignment. They have to have 20 questions from the interview for class on Wednesday, October 2nd. I am very excited to hear all the interesting things that they learn from the people that they interview. I really do hope that this is a meaningful experience for them.